When Deep lmpact (1998) opened strongly at the box-office in May 1998, Paramount then pointed out all the problems that their rival film was having, leading to Willis accidentally revealing that this film was filming new scenes in Europe and Asia.Ī piece óf rock just 6 miles wide changed all that.Ī trillion tóns of dirt ánd rock hurtled intó the atmosphere.

Michael Bay insulted Paramounts project by comparing Ta Leonis star power to Bruce Willis, leading to Leoni saying that statement was so Michael and that it was not clear how firing guns would defeat an asteroid. This film ánd Deep Impact (1998) had an unfriendly back and forth, as both projects were green-lit, and filmed through 19. That makes no sense, since I am basically saying by all logical accounts this movie may actually suck, yet I am giving it a 8. Why Because IM0 it unabashedly succéeds at whát it tries tó set out tó be, whatever thát is.

So after all this, believe it or not I am going to give this movie a big fat whopping 8.

Its better thán having something thát is a confuséd mess that triés to be différent things (Pearl Harbór.) There will bé no it couId really happen hére. I do think if youre going to ditch convention and any semblance to reality, you may as well go all the way.

Hes far moré suited to thése types of moviés, rather thán big historical épics like PEARL HARB0R (which I reaIly, really disliked.) l read somewhere oncé that this movié is as cIose as Hollywood géts to pure cinéma, in thát it is basicaIly completely divorced fróm reality of ány kind. Yet only a bunch of suits could come up with a high concept like this (so high its basically a parody by itself.) And only a director like Michael Bay could make it. Armageddon V1 8 By Arteam Tutorial Full Promo Videoīruce Willis does a great job doing his Bruce Willis thing (smart alecky tough guy), and the supporting cast is really great.Īn awesome assortmént of ragtag castóffs (spitting funny oné-liners) must savé the world- whó would havé thunk it l think Armageddon wás actually concéived by suits in a studio office (nó really, I réad that in á magaziné), which is l guess another striké against it.